We all heard this quotation from Vince Lombardi that, Good leaders are made, they are not born.
Being a good leader is one of the most challenging and gratifying positions. As John Maxwell defines, “A leader is the one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way”.
Effective leaders shape our organizations, our states and our society. We need good leaders at every step that can help and guide us to take the thoughtful decisions.
Today we will be discussing some of the qualities and traits a successful leader must have:

Self Confidence:
As a leader, one of the most important quality is self-confidence. Without self-confidence you are unable to take risks and achieve high goals. Good leaders are basically the leaders who are confident, efficient and with to-do attitude.
Lack of confidence will prevent you from leading others and become a successful leader. If you are not confident enough about yourself, you can’t lead the team and they will never follow you.

““The very essence of leadership is that you have to have vision. You can’t blow an uncertain trumpet.” – Theodore Hesburgh
Vision is the art of seeing something which is invisible. A leader must have a compelling vision and a definite plan of where he is going, how he will reach there, what it takes him to accomplish, create a definite plan and achieve it. Vision is something which separates a leader from the manager. A leader has to be committed to his vision and make his team follow them with the same passion.

Effective Communicator:
It is completely impossible to become a great leader without having communication skills. If you are not a communicator, you cannot be a good leader, as of course being a leader you need to communicate your vision, your ideas, your thoughts, and your expectations to the team.
A good leader must be able to communicate one to one, in meetings, with the staff or a team. With proper communication, your team will have a proper understanding of what you are expecting from them.

A good leader must be inspiring. It’s very difficult to persuade others and inspire them to follow your vision and goals with the same passion and enthusiasm. When your team has a low morale, as a leader it is your job to start finding ways to keep their spirits high and inspire your team.
John Quincy said that, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”

Team Building Skills:
A successful leader must have team building skills. This skill will not only enables the better communication in an organization also it will increase the productivity of your team. Leaders who develop a right team, will be able to create an amazing force which is unstoppable and can drive the organization towards success.

Positivity & Integrity:
As a leader, you will face numerous obstacles, negativity, and tests,” says Gordon, in his book “The Power of Positive Leadership”. You need to have a positive attitude to inspire your team and motivate them towards the success journey of the company. Keep in mind – Honesty, integrity and positivity are the most important traits of an effective leadership.
Are you ready to ignite your career as an effective leader? What leadership qualities do you have?